After a baking school – how a cake business starts!


After a baking school, making a business plan is intended to get everything in order especially when it is a start from a baking school. It doesn’t have to be so complex. A business plan allows you to easily identify any obstacles and anything you may have to consider. It should consider the market prices, competition of  course and an estimation of the profits you would want to make in a given period of time.

Choosing a suitable location

One should get a favourable place for his/ her business. This is because it is important to focus on the places that have less competition. And here are some clues; type of people around the sited place for your business,age of people and considering the type of earners. Are they high, middle or low income earners? With these put into  consideration,one can be able to allocate his/ her business in an ideal place.

The right equipment!

To start up a cake bakery, one needs the right equipment to use and these may include: baking mat,a mixer,cake tins, a dredger or shaker, an oven and icing smoother. Quality matters a lot.  It will depend on how much cake you want to produce for market and also the amount of capital you have. Don’t spend too much on equipment at the start of your business.

Knowledge about Cakes

You don’t have to be a master to become successful in your business. However, you need to know the basics and clues on how to flourish in your cake business. Ignorance in the business may likely lead to a financial loses an d failure at a given time.

Get yourself enrolled in a cake baking school and have an opportunity to learn the basics about measurements, flavours, packaging, recipes and marketing. Look no further, choose Classic Catering Uganda for the best courses in Cake baking. For more information call

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