Cooking schools in Uganda - Chefs at Classic Catering

Common Cooking mistakes – a look at what some chefs do wrong in the kitchen

Common Cooking mistakes are at times inevitable, we see even the best chefs are wrong about something in the kitchen. Nobody in the whole wide world knows everything and I hope with this particular article, somebody out there will learn something from it.  While in a Cooking school, some of these things were left out maybe because they were taught but some Chefs want to have it there way.Here are  some of these mistakes;

Using the wrong ingredients!

Whether you are new in the kitchen or spent half of your life life cooking, it is inevitable that you will make some mistakes in the kitchen. Yes even great chefs make mistakes. and those mistakes could be made in a rush or when you are a beginner in the kitchen. Some chefs have the attendance of using the wrong ingredients especially if the required ingredients are missing or out of stock. Well, you don’t have to use the wrong ingredient,simply have everything in place before you can go ahead to start cooking. This will help you get the right taste for your recipe and also help you get tidy in the kitchen.

Using the wrong knife.

Well, using the wrong knife is one of the many common cooking mistakes that chefs do while in the kitchen. Before you take your knife out, first think about what you are going to use it for. this is because every every ingredient might require a different type of knife. for instance when you intend to cut something small, you might need a sized knife for it.

Using the wrong cutting board.

Cutting boards are sized to fit what you in tend to use it for. But some chefs make a common cooking method of using a small cutting for a big job at hand. Ending up making the whole kitchen untidy. Give yourself plenty of room to work, and make sure you have the right cutting board big enough for the job at hand.

At Classic Catering Uganda, we give you the best experiences as a beginner Chef’. Come and explorer a lot of things that only Chefs from Classic Catering Uganda get to know. For more information reach us on our website at

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